歸零及心有餘裕|201901雅 療癒報告












SSR Self Healing – Back to Basics with the Peace of Mind

I noticed a habit of mine that I liked to lay everything out in order and get everything organized, ready to go before actually doing the tasks. Then, I realized that in essence, it was actually called “going back to basics”.

It was especially hard to get out of bed on cold winter days. Upon waking up, the first thing I did was to fold and stack up all my bed sheets and blankets neatly.

At work, I always put my pens and pencils back in my drawer after I used them, all lined up nicely. When I needed to use them again, I knew exactly where they could be found.

Before making dinner, I liked to finish washing all of the dirty dishes that were in the sink. After that, I was able to thoroughly wash and cut up the ingredients I needed for my dishes.

Before starting the SSR self-healing practice of the day, I always tidied up the environment, making sure that there were no clutters around me or my mat.

As I was tidying up everything and getting everything ready in place, I was also getting myself emotionally ready for the SSR self-healing practice. This was something I had noticed through self-observation.

At the end of the school term, I had to suddenly deal with a work-related emergency. It was solved on the spot and I thought I was no longer emotionally affected by it. I was wrong. When I got home, I found myself arguing with my daughter on the topic of the right time to take out the trash. I was emotionally unstable and yelled in her face, “Now means now!” I was shocked that I had brought negative emotions home from work. I ended up taking out the trash myself.

It was often stressful to deal with everyday problems at work and in life. Even when the problems were dealt with and solved, there was still some negativity left in us. The stress and unhappiness accumulated in us over time, often without us noticing. After enough negativity built up over time, all it took was something little and random for us to totally lose it and flip out.

Since practicing SSR, I had found my inner peace. I was able to remain calm and think logically at the height of urgent, serious problems. I no longer easily got frustrated or let my emotions take over my judgment. I knew I was not a person that never got angry, but now, I was able to notice when I was starting to get frustrated, and I was able to calm myself down through SSR before I actually flipped out.

Through the self-healing practice of SSR, we were able to regulate our emotions and remain our calmness more effectively when problems arose at work and in life. It did not mean that we would never get upset or angry, but it did mean we were able to control our emotions better and channel out the negativity that was in us before it got overwhelming.










