



#SSR – Remedy For Stomach Pain and Body Relaxation

    It was rare for me to go out for an exhibition with my family on a holiday. After lunch, my daughter said that she felt discomfort in her stomach, so I applied SSR to her on our way to the next destination. The application for about fifteen minutes, and by the time I finished I found her asleep on her seat. When she woke up, I asked if she still felt uncomfortable, and even though she still seemed a bit dazed, she showed me the “ok” hand gesture making me relieved.

    I applied a specific hand gesture to help myself relax my shoulders and neck before bedtime. Usually I would still spend some time on my cell phone while lying on the bed, but this time I felt sleepy soon after I finished the hand gesture application, making me want to put down my cell phone and sleep. And I did not wake up until my alarm went off. There was a similar case when I applied SSR to my niece before. She slept so well that she did not roll or kick, thus she and her parents all overslept the next morning. Although oversleeping seemed a little bit shocking, a good night’s sleep and enough rest helped job performance.









#SSR – Wound Treatment

A student accidentally cut his finger with glass while cleaning up the refrigerator in the department office. The office lady applied the aloe gel on his finger right away, but he still looked slightly frightened when he came to my office.

Adhering to the principle of “faster treatment, better outcomes”, I briefly explained what SSR was along with its effect, and after he agreed I applied SSR on his wound for ten minutes. I asked him to wash his wound with normal saline when he went home and then keep the wound dry (see Picture One). The next day I did another ten minutes of SSR for him (see Picture Two) and when I checked his finger on the third day, the wound had slightly dried up (see Picture Three).

Picture One
Picture Two
Picture Three


生徒さんがオフィスの冷蔵庫を片付けている時に、ガラスで指が切れていました。オフィスのおばさんが、まずアロエ軟膏を塗ってくれましたが、まだ落ち着かないような感じでした。 早めに治療すれば早く治れるということで、生徒さんに簡単にレイキと効果を説明して、彼の同意をもらい、早速10分ぐらいのレイキ施術をしました。そして、帰宅後にも、きちんと生理食塩液で洗い流し、傷口を乾いた状態に保ちます(図一)。翌日に10分のレイキ施術(図二)。三日目にフォローしたら、傷口はすでに治り始めていました(図三)。
